Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Reflections On A Semester

1. What did you learn about photography that you did not know before?

What I learned from this semester of photography is that I don't need to be a professional photographer to make a beautiful image. I learned the different ways you could make an image 10x better than it already was, and how to make images that are cool and fun to look at. The one thing that I enjoyed learning is how to take light photos and blur images. Those two were my favorite because my boyfriend enjoys taking those two types of pictures so it gave us something to do, and since I know how to take them myself now it's easier for us both. haha. This semester of photography was a good semester and it really made me become a better photographer.

2. What did you learn about yourself this semester?

I learned that I dont need to be a professional photographer to be good at it. It really boosted my self confidence and helped me understand myself more. Making images that are beautiful really made me happy and it was a good escape from my other homework. I know that sometimes the images I took were not my best and it's because I have a lot of IB classes that are hard that I would do first before my photography, when it should have been switched since it really does relieve my stress. Photography really made me learn that I am good at it and that I should really do it as a hobby.

3. What do you wish we had done that we did not?

I wish we worked with our film cameras more, and in the dark room instead of digital photography on the computer. We only worked on our film cameras once when you said we would be using them half of the semester. I think everything is becoming too digitalized so it would have been nice doing something in the dark room instead of the computer. I know its easier but I wanted to be more challenged.

4. What was your struggle?

My biggest struggle was to take good images and do them on time, I did a lot of them last minute and didn't put any effort into them at all. I didn't do it on purpose I did it because I pushed it last minute because i though "Oh its just photo" but I realized I needed to put more effort into it than I did because its just like any other class, and still a struggle.

5. What did you conquer?

I conquered my fear of others judging my photos, half way into the semester I started to post the pictures I took on instagram and facebook and people actually enjoyed them and thought I was good. I also conquered a lot of the projectst that I thought were going to be insanely hard and made them into the best that I could. Every project that we did this year was useful and I will DEFINITELY use them throught my life time. To help me relieve stress and give me a hobby.

Thank you Mr. Hohman for making it a good semester and teaching me everything that you did!

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