Monday, September 17, 2012


A: He was born on March 7, 1765 and died on July 5, 1833.
     He was baptized with the name of Joseph.
     He was a staff officer in the French army lead by Napoleon. 

B: He was known for the photograph above, an engraving of a man with a horse. 

C: It the earliest heliographic engraving known in the world. It was printed on a metal plate covered with a ground that was etched followed by a light exposure. 

D: It was taken in France. 

E: No one knows exactly how long it took to make the exposure but they estimate a second to half a second because he used sunlight. 

F: It was taken in 1825 

EC: The photo is now housed and kept in Bibliotheque Nationale de France, a Nationally known Library in France. They bought it for €450,000 in 2002. 

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